Thursday, March 25, 2010

must go

  • The scent plumeria and wild rose air freshner. I cannot stand this scent. My office manager always sprays it, makes me want to vomit.
  • Little girls that bring their dinner to ballet. That sweet smell of food is almost too much. I'm inches away from turning into a ravenous monster and eating all their food.
  • 28 effing dollars to hem a pair of jeans! Ridiculous! I'm really sorry that my legs aren't longer, I would lengthen them out if I could.
  • Bedazzled jeans. I guess a few fake jewels on your ass are ok. Well not really, maybe if they are real diamonds. I'd wear bedazzled ass jeans, if it was done with diamonds.
  • Itchy/rashy/scabby hands. It's as gross and painful as it sounds, believe me.
  • Him!
  • LOL. I hate this acronym more than any other. I never think laugh out loud or lots of love when I read it. I only ever think loose old ladies. So please refrain from using this. So gross.
  • The phrase "get it" and "ya see" 

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