Tuesday, November 17, 2009


This is a post that I had started sometime in Nov. I clearly forgot all about it. So here is another lame post for you to waste your time reading... ENJOY!!

So seriously, I have tried everyday to think of something interesting in my life to blog about and have come up with absolutely nothing. I think that maybe I could slide saying that I am just suffering from writers block. But really it's because I don't really do anything worth blogging about. I suppose that I could tell you about the awesome people that came into the vet on Saturday. It's people like them that just make my skin crawl. First, a little family that we have seen on a few occassions, that just probably shouldn't have animals because it is a bit out of their budget. Well the story goes they are bringing in a litter of pups to have their first vaccinations. And behold one of the poor pups is 1/3 of the size of the others. Which really isn't that bad, but when you realize that it is missing TWO paws, you start wondering why we haven't seen this pup before. Apparently two days after the pups were born, the one got caught in the kennel causing it to loose the paws. The owners just left it!!! OMG! If one of your kids extremeties was severed off would you wait 6 whole weeks to take it to the doctor! Totally was not cool. The second family that came in, was like a township. Our entire front office was full of this family. I thought it was ok because they were euthanising their family dog. I walk into the room to discuss how we run the procedure and I see the dog. The poor thing is about 30 pounds overweight. The owners are explaining to me that they are choosing to put the dog down because he can't get around as well. Seriously, it's not age that was making movement difficult you nimrod! You try weighing 3 times the amount you are suppose to and then tell me how easy it is to move. All they had to do was get a little weight off. So in general this week has pretty much sucked hardcore. Due to the fact that the general public is full of people that seem to have lost all common sense. Sometimes I wonder how people can truly make it through a day.

On a lighter note, I bought an awesome new tv on Sunday! I love it, my roommates love it. All is right in the world.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


So I have decided that I am probably the worst blogger that ever lived. Seriously, I don't even blog enough to be considered a blogger. I guess it doesn't really matter seeing as no one really ever reads this. Basically the reason that I stopped posting is because I thought it was sort of pointless but I forgot that it gave me something to do. I think that I will try and post things more often.
Life pretty much sucks hardcore right now, but what the hell. You do what you can and try and enjoy it. I moved out of the parentals place so I don't see nearly as many movies. So you can pretty much say goodbye to my lame ass movie reviews. I'll still see a film here and there; I'll be sure to comment on them. Now that I'm living with my totally awesome friends, I am pretty much dirt poor; sometimes I can't even drive. I wouldn't trade it for anything though. Moving out has been the best thing I have done for myself. So enough of my lame life... Next time I've got a funny story I'll be sure to share it with the internet.