Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Must Go - friend edition

This list is a compilation of must go's compliments of my dear friends.

  • Couples that publicly facebook each other with nonsense things such as: I love you more - no I love you more, lets make babies, there's only one thing that has been going through my mind all day and it's you baby. VOMITING! all day. everyday. It's really cool that you love eachother but stop rubbing your happiness in my face.
  • Beagles.
  • Unprofessionalism in the work place.
  • Searching for a new place to live. Probably one of my least favorite things to do.
  • People that ask you a question that leads you to believe that there might be a hangout later. Then you spend all night not really making plans in hopes of chilling with them. And they never get back to you.
  • People that text and when you respond they take hours to reply.
  • Working on days that are sunny and warm. It should be illegal.
the following are from myself
  • movies that just end suddenly, most annoying thing ever. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!
  • not being able to sleep at night. isomina is a nightmare.
  • fat dogs named monroe laying on my lap at work, causing the lower half of my body to tingle in an unfriendly way.
  • excessive amounts of free-time at work.
  • Doctors that don't show up!!
  • trips that seem to be so far off. July come soon! PLEASE!

1 comment:

  1. Ha. I forgot to tell you something the other day.. Dang it all.
