Monday, October 18, 2010


face it.
i'm bored.
i haven't blogged about anything
important for a while;
not that this will be anything important.
 but this mixture could end up boring
slightly entertaining
but mostly all over the place.

i want to share a few things with
those of you
that don't know me very well.

i speak a different language.
amazing right?
i also want you to know that i lie
about being able to speak a 
different language because
it makes me sound smarter.

one of my biggest pet peeves is
when people talk during movies.
i talk during movies.

whennnn peopleeee call the vettt
annnndd drraggg ooooutt eeevvveryy
siiiinngle woooorrd.
i hang up.

i'm pretty sure i have ADD or ADHD.

i have been in jail.
street cred increase!

i have a strong desire to wield a sword.

i went to fye during lunch today.
an elderly gentleman kindly walked me to my car
then polietly asked me to join him at his home
to view some adult videos he purchased.
i almost peed i was laughing so hard.

trueblood is the closet thing to porn
i have watched since high school.

my foot is currently asleep.

i hate when people complain about school,
i would give anything to be doing homework.

if dexter morgan was my brother
and i knew he was a psychopathic serial killer
i wouldn't care.
as you can tell i have been watching way
too much television lately.
i should probably get a gym pass
and work on this ever increasing fat ass.
(i might actually do this today - hope for the best)

i have recently, as in 5 minutes ago,
become annoyed with silent
letters in words.
know, aisle, knee,

i wish i could
draw, paint, sing,
play 18 musical instruments,
whittle wood into little caricatures,
breathe fire,
shoot webs from my wrists,
be dr. manhattan,
like disgusting food,
cook tasty food,
be in 3 places at once - one always being bed,
have a line in a movie

if i get a new pet it will be a
i really feel that his support will
help with my expanding waist line.

i'm uber annoyed by the fact that i
have to wait a whole two weeks to find
out about a new job i interviewed for.
i was originally suppose to find out on friday.
but they extended it to the end of this week.
every hour seems like a day,
every minute and hour.
can it be friday?

ps. i promise the next post will have loads of pictures.
i know that some of you only read my blog to look at pictures.
in fact, the entire post might be pictures.


  1. It's wield not willed.

  2. WHERE ARE THE PICTURES?!!!! I'm done with this blog...

  3. haha, just kidding. I love it! This post made me happy. I like you friend. You should write random things more often. also, yay for joining a gym today! (you owe me your life...)
