Wednesday, May 20, 2009


My new endeavor is to travel to Mexico on vacation. NO!! you shout. I say I must and while I am there I must be infected by the H1N1 virus (better known as swine flu). You say Please no! I say I must. You ask why? I respond with, why not? If I travel to Mexico and happen to come down with swine flu, the hotels are giving me three paid visits back. Hells yes! I wouldn't miss out on free trips. I mean if all I have to do is get sick, puke up my lungs for a few days for three free trips.
Dude I'm down! I know, I know... You're just jealous that you didn't think of it first.
So if I turn out to be one of those unfortunate individuals that actually die from the H1N1 flu. You'll know it was in search of my future!

1 comment:

  1. from your lack of comments I must say that this blog is highly underrated. I'm assuming you haven't died of swine flu as of yet, but I suppose I'll just bite my nails til your next post. Tell Dean hi for me.
