Friday, February 12, 2010


Some of these may have appeared on previous must go lists, but I have deemed it necessary for an honorable mention.

  • People that don't know how to drive! It's simple, if you are scared to drive, don't know how to drive or are just plain stupid. you should NOT be driving! These are the people that cause about 45% of accidents. If you can't drive walk, ride a bike, or the bus!
  • Idiots who think they are so awesome at driving that traffic laws are above them. Weaving in and out of traffic, speeding up to red lights or stop signs, basically reckless drivers. Just because you have a death wish, doesn't mean I do. 
  • People that drive in another cars blind spot. Since I now do a lot of freeway driving I see this all the time. Cars coasting along in another cars blind spot. One day you will be hit and I will say "I told you so!"
  • When people speed up and pass me, then once you are ahead of me they slow down. If I could I would shoot bolts of lightening with my eyes into the back of your head. 
  • Go ahead and never, ever use your blinker! It's a sure fire way of making me forever wish you to the bottom most pit of hell. 
  • Forgetting to turn off your blinker. Because the next 10 miles I follow you I will be obsessing over the fact that you aren't turning and your blinker says you are going to. 
  • Not going the speed limit. This is highly frustrating for me, more so, when you are in the fast lane. The fast lane is the FAST lane, which means, GO THE SPEED LIMIT OR I WILL RAM YOUR SHINY NEW MERCEDES!
  • When it snows and I am driving my cute lil' echo and the GIANT ford F150 decides to ride my ass. It's really cool and all that you have a nice truck with 4-wheel drive, but I can't go any faster in my front wheel drive car. When my car eventually fish tails -which is inevitable- and douche rams his truck into the side of my vehicle there will be hell to pay!
  • People who take up two spaces to park. If you don't want to damage your precious little car don't effing drive it. It's far more dangerous to be driving it then parking in a single space. 
  • Unnecessary use of high beams. Temporary blindness while driving is definitely a safety hazard. 
  • When people stop at a stop sign and wait nearly 10 whole minutes before slowly creeping across the intersection. The sign never turns green so stop waiting for the impossible. 
  • Motorcycles that weave through traffic. Just because you can fit your skinny-assed bike in-between two lanes of traffic doesn't make it legal and definitely warrants you a complete idiot with a death wish.
  • When people slow down to see what happened when there are flashing lights. Honestly, I usually have a destination when I am driving. If you want to see someone get a ticket, watch cops.
  • The guy who spit on my car! NOT COOL YOU ROYAL DOUCHE BAG!
  • People that ride their brakes. I find it highly annoying, it's hard to tell if you are really braking. 
  • When I use my blinker to get over into the other lane and the next 6 cars ride bumper to bumper refusing to let me over. I'm not joking, when I turn my blinker on I would like to get over. 
  • Speeding up when I am trying to pass you. The entire time I was behind you, you were comfortable going your own speed... I wasn't. Douche!
  • Tailgating. I don't need you up my ass to know you are annoying... back off!
Pleasant driving to you all. 

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