Monday, February 1, 2010


fake laughs or forced laughs. if you don't think i am funny i don't care, just don't pretend you think i am. 
people that don't close a door that clearly says please keep the door closed. it's surprising how unobservant most people are.
the word bathroom. we should say "loo" like the British, it sounds more sophisticated. Plus, it flows more naturally out of your mouth.
when you are reading in a public place and someone interrupts you to chit-chat. you clearly hint you'd much rather continue reading then carry on this lame conversation. yet, they continue you to talk to you like you care. maybe i'm a cold bitch, that just needs a lesson in being friendly. but i really think it's them that needs a lesson in common courtesy. i'm reading a book, not sitting at a social meet and greet.
working saturday nights. or atleast having to dress "professionally" on a saturday night. if i have to sit for hours i'd enjoy uncrossing my legs for a while.
people that have 100 bumper stickers on their car. i never have enough time to read them all.
pot holes. i pay my taxes, now fix the damn road!
when it is clearly obvious and people still ask "did you get a hair cut?" of course i did... it didn't grow back into my scalp.
the term chicken fingers. they are chicken strips! chickens don't have fingers.
automated phone answering systems for banks, the pharmacy, etc. they are nothing more than an inconvience. hire a human to answer the phones.

fake leather baseball caps. as a matter of fact, leather baseball caps. leather is just for jackets, motor bike chaps, purses, and wallets. anything else is just going to look horrid!

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