Friday, March 5, 2010

Come Back

The other day I was chatting with a lifetime friend, Kristine. We were reminiscing about all our childhood memories together. I just made me miss a lot of things and I wanted to share a few with the internet. Why you ask, because that's what you do when you have a blog.

I miss eating raw ramen,
cereal out of cups,
a huge bag a pretzels.

I miss sleepovers,
listening to a song over the phone,
making silly movies.

I miss playing in the backyard, 
swinging on the swing, 
jumping on the trampoline.

I miss drinking warm jell-o,
talking all night,
giggling all night.

I miss Pat & Toms,
the money tree. 

I miss the laundry shoot,
the handcuff tricks,
and soap bubbles on the counter.

I miss Chester, 
and Sylvester. 

I miss biking
and roller blading
all the way to Stans.

I miss so many things 
from my elementary days. 
But what I miss most of all...

My friend!
I <3 You!

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