Saturday, March 27, 2010

Viewing Pleasure

So remember this post...
Well the crazy man came back.
First off, he was 3 and half hours EARLY for his appointment!!
Second, he was wearing a neck brace, which according him is a fashionable neck warmer.
Truly, he told me he dons the neck brace when the weather is cool. 
Third, he didn't bring any money so he had to run over to the bank.
which left Cass and I with two dogs chained to a cart in our hallway.
Just in case you are wondering, yes that little dog is in an over-sized lunch pail.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

must go

  • The scent plumeria and wild rose air freshner. I cannot stand this scent. My office manager always sprays it, makes me want to vomit.
  • Little girls that bring their dinner to ballet. That sweet smell of food is almost too much. I'm inches away from turning into a ravenous monster and eating all their food.
  • 28 effing dollars to hem a pair of jeans! Ridiculous! I'm really sorry that my legs aren't longer, I would lengthen them out if I could.
  • Bedazzled jeans. I guess a few fake jewels on your ass are ok. Well not really, maybe if they are real diamonds. I'd wear bedazzled ass jeans, if it was done with diamonds.
  • Itchy/rashy/scabby hands. It's as gross and painful as it sounds, believe me.
  • Him!
  • LOL. I hate this acronym more than any other. I never think laugh out loud or lots of love when I read it. I only ever think loose old ladies. So please refrain from using this. So gross.
  • The phrase "get it" and "ya see" 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Alice in Horrorland

This past week was our spring performance at ballet. This year we did Alice in Wonderland.
Here are a few pictures from backstage.
My new BFF Elizabeth
Tweedle Dum, Mouse, Tweedle Dee
Our eyebrow skills
My balancing skills
We pick
We are neat

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why I Love my Friend

This lovely post is an email that my dear friend Kristine sent me. It is in response to my NOT post. I find it absolutely hilarious, so I wanted to share it with the internet:

World peace!- Easy, Give all men lots of naked women and give all women lots of money!

A death trap-Dress it up all you want with all the fancy features but in the end it's still a pos box of recycled parts.

A swing set.-Takes care of your house wish too!

Impeccable dancing skills.- I'll hook it up

A mac book.-Done

Nikon d90 camera!!!-Install the mental version greedy! ;)

A great Dane or a Husky/wolf hybrid- All yours

This house.-See swingset, Trying to cut cost.

A trip to here. And here.-Ur fucked.

Three wishes and maybe the genie with the lamp as an added bonus.- Wanted extra for the lamp, sorry.

This guy didn't though

A man who loves me and that will love me forever.-Only things I could think of

A potion to make Monroe live forever.-I'm sure they make them for dogs too.

A time turner

Oh wait.. You said TIME turner..These two things should help you out..

Magic powers that control hair regrowth.-Easy

In fact, just magic powers.-When you get them, please take care of some things for me.

(He's got the hair regrowth problem like you!)

An endless college fund.-WAS my first choice..

Someone to take me here.-On a more serious note, I have been there and would love to take ya!

These Flowers -Lily Allen either throwing something, walking like a tard, startin some shit with a gangster or about to fall on her face from tripping was much more pleasing and appealing than the flower. Sorry lol.

A bicycle -Juuuust the two of us.... we can make it if we tryyy just the two of ussss (just the two of us)

Somebody should call the fun police cause this kid is OuT oF cOnTrOl!! (Kristine I will never forgive you for typing like that.)

Ahhhh, perfect match :)

Ownership rights to the diesel store. -You'll have to sleep with this guy. He still owns 100% of the company! Looks pretty flexible.

A year of life with no worries. -We should probably hook up with these guys lol

Hakuna Matata

Best Regards,
Kristine Dawson

I'm so glad that I have friends like Kristine that keep my dreams in check. I should have just asked for a Savage Garden CD, Kristine could have burned one for me.


So my birthday is still ages away but my mom asked me already what I wanted.
If you know me at all,
I don't really like to receive gifts so it's really hard for me to decide on what I want for any given holiday
(The reason my mom is asking me 2 months in advance).
I started making a list of things I wanted, in hopes that I could come up with something reasonable to ask for. This is the list I ended up with:
(Click on the words that are gray, you're in for a suprise!)

 World peace! 
 A death trap
A swing set.
Impeccable dancing skills.
A mac book.
Nikon d90 camera!!!
A trip to here. And here.
Three wishes and maybe the genie with the lamp as an added bonus.
A person who loves me and that will love me forever.
A potion to make Monroe live forever.
A time turner
Magic powers that control hair regrowth. 
In fact, just magic powers. 
An endless college fund.  
Someone to take me here. 
These Flowers 
Ownership rights to the diesel store.
A year of life with no worries. 

Cheers to 21 things that will never happen... But I'll keep dreaming. :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

must see

Here is a list of movies I think everyone should watch. Click movie titles for previews.

Pride and Prejudice. Probably one of my all time favorites. Everyone should watch this movie. It is very close to the actual book. The cinematography is amazing! Plus, the gentleman in this flick are so attentive, how I dream of someday meeting a man like Mr. Darcy.

Braveheart. I love love love this movie. From the Scottish accents, to the beautiful scenery, the awesome soundtrack, and the wicked ass fight scences. Even though Mel Gibson can be a total douche, this film is still neat.

The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. I <3 these. Call me nerdy I don't care, but these movies just ooze awesomeness!! Must be the extended edition. None of that silly theatrical version garabage.

Amadeus. An old film but so good. It's not cheesy like some older films, Amadeus is just plan good. Most people I know haven't even heard of it but it's just a fantastic film. Will forever be one of my favorites. Tom Hulce, the actor who plays Mozart, is phenomenal.

GoodFellas one of my favorite mafia movies. It makes me wish that I was married to a bad-ass mafia man.

Willow. This movie deserves and honorable mention. As a child  I watched this movie EVERY DAY. I didn't put up with those nonsense Disney movies, I watched real films. I haven't seen it in ages but I'm sure since I loved it then, I would still love it now.

Some others that are definitley worth viewing: Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2, Inglourious Basterds, Space Balls, Atonement, Blood Diamond, Young Frankenstein, American History X, Stranger than Fiction, Good Will Hunting, Waterworld and I think I am done wasting your time now. I could probably go on for days. I like way too many movies.
Feel free to add to the must see list. Obviously I need something to fill up my excessive amounts of free time.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Saturday night I went to my first Jazz game ever.
I went with Mandy and Brandon.

                                     It was so much fun.
We sat in the nosebleed section. It was surprising how good the view was up there until hill-billy hick with his huge hat sat down.

That damn brim covered more than half the court.

We played musical chairs and sat separately for part of the game. To somewhat stay connected we used our cellular devices to communicate our thoughts on little tidbits of the game. 
Thank god for text messaging.

 By the fourth quarter Mandy and I were sitting next to some very nice elderly women. One which Brandon had wooed to the point of undressing in a matter of minutes.
I was impressed,  this man has mad skills.

Of course the Jazz won because I was there. I'm a good luck charm. Here is the photographic evidence for your viewing pleasure. 
Only joking. It probably has to do with the fact that the Clippers rarely and I mean rarely ever beat the Jazz in our stadium. -thanks Ally for keeping me slightly informed with Jazz statistics.
I would definitely love to go again, SO FUN!!

We went to the coffee garden after (the damn concession stands were sold out of churros when we tried to purchase them) to get a treat.
I had a yummy fruit tart. Minus the tart, it was so frozen it probably won't un-thaw until 2050.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Must Go! Vegas Edition.

I know I was in Vegas weeks ago but this is important information to share. 
1. Strange men offering a group of us women to view his gadget.
2. The guys handing naked lady pictures to us. And that silly little "double smack" before they thrust the bite sized porno at my chest.
3. Traffic. The traffic in Vegas is horrible. No one knows how to drive there either.
4. Women dressed like this


This photo is really dark, it doesn't really show the awfulness of it all. But if you look close you can tell that it's just wrong for so many reasons.
5. Women that wear high heels and can't walk in them. No matter how cute your shoes are, walking like a primate isn't going to get you any luck with the dudes.
6. That every once and a while you get a whiff of dead person in a bottle. It really makes me want to vomit.
7. The entire venetician smelled like grandmas. Like they have a groups of grandmas, drenched in gallons of their perfume, making laps through the casino and shopping areas. I think I perfer cigar/cig/cancer smells over too much grandma.
8. That everything is so expensive at diesel. I love diesel! Makes my heart crack a little that I can't even afford one sock of a pair.
9. Waiters that rub their package on my leg. I know it's Vegas, but we are at a family resturant, and I look like I'm 12 years old. Watch where your sticking your junk.
10. Pools in hotels that are closed. Just lamO!
11. Donny and Marie! The horror, the horror!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Deep Breath...

Now hold it.

Alright stop now! I don't want you to kick the bucket.

I'm going to make an attempt at being serious. There seems to be a infectious virus traveling through the air as of late. Too many are stressing over matters that just seem to be a waste. I know, very well that I am not perfect and I am as guilty as the next individual of doing this. But is it really worth it to stress about things that aren't going to matter next week?
Maybe I am just in a weird mood tonight. But lately it seems we all (me included) are just looking for things to pick apart. Just the tiny little things that aren't quite the way we would like them to be. We make big things out of things we will forget about in a few days. Do we enjoy the feeling of disruption and disappointment so much that we find ways to feel it? Are we so haughty that we have to pick out other people differences and turn them into flaws?
I guess my new goal is going to be, to let things go that shouldn't be mulled over. I have so much in my life that is good and I spend so much time bringing up the bad. Happiness is a choice.
Here's to a new me. Let us all hope it lasts.
Life is what YOU make it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


It seems that the horrible earthquake in Chile has disrupted all the world. Not only has it caused death and destruction in Chile, but it has caused the earth to shift ever so slightly off it's regular axis.
What does this mean?
It means that we have lost 1.26 microseconds of each day.
 (One microsecond is one-millionth of a second long)
I've already complained that there is never enough hours in the day to provide me with ample time to accomplish all I would like to.
But what now?!?!
There's even less time in the day!
I really needed that 1.26 microsecond.
I suppose there's one bonus though. I'm 1.26 microseconds closer to my vacation then I was before. :)

My heart goes out to the 700+ individuals (and to their friends and family) who lost their lives in this horrific tragedy. <3

Friday, March 5, 2010

Come Back

The other day I was chatting with a lifetime friend, Kristine. We were reminiscing about all our childhood memories together. I just made me miss a lot of things and I wanted to share a few with the internet. Why you ask, because that's what you do when you have a blog.

I miss eating raw ramen,
cereal out of cups,
a huge bag a pretzels.

I miss sleepovers,
listening to a song over the phone,
making silly movies.

I miss playing in the backyard, 
swinging on the swing, 
jumping on the trampoline.

I miss drinking warm jell-o,
talking all night,
giggling all night.

I miss Pat & Toms,
the money tree. 

I miss the laundry shoot,
the handcuff tricks,
and soap bubbles on the counter.

I miss Chester, 
and Sylvester. 

I miss biking
and roller blading
all the way to Stans.

I miss so many things 
from my elementary days. 
But what I miss most of all...

My friend!
I <3 You!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

must go.

  • The little vinyl stickers on cars that represent the occupants families. I think some are ok. But it can become too excessive. When you have 30 little figures with their nicknames, all your dogs and cats with their names, and the flowers you have named from your garden it's TOO much. I saw this the other day; I tried to capture a picture for evidence but I was driving and being cautious. Well truth is I couldn't find my phone. :P
  • Migraines! I have had this headache for the past three days it must go away.
  • Water spots on dishes. Maybe it's an OCD thing, but it really bothers me when there are water spots on my utensils and cups. Clean is clean- which means no water spots.
  • When clients come into the vet and expect us to baby-sit their children. We are not a daycare center so when your child ends up getting eaten by a dog, or taking a medication the fault is not mine. If you cannot control your children, leave them at home with a sitter.
  • Having to owe money to the government for taxes. When you clearly shouldn't have had to if your employer would have handled your checks correctly. What he did was illegal and I have to pay, such bull! :(
  • Eating a meal and then feeling like you're still hungry. I'm too poor to feed my own appetite.
  • Receipts. Now that I have to keep all these little slips of paper my life feels much messier. I store them in a little file folder. But knowing there are several different sized slips, not in order by size, makes me want to throw things.
  • Long lines at del taco. Not everyone should know about tuesday taco night. I want my damn taco and I don't want to wait an hour for it.
  • When you go to a drive thru and you don't get what you ordered. I paid a dollar for that taco, I should get what I ordered. 
  • The coverage of the Olympics. They don't show enough of the games, I would like to watch more of them. Also, that they don't show any of the special Olympics for our viewing pleasure. It would be rad if they did.
  • Pant stealing roommates. (this hasn't actually happened to me, but I had a special request to put it on the list.)
  • People that have blogs and they don't update them. How can I stalk blogs if there are no new posts. Go, make haste, and provide me with the simple pleasure of living vicariously through your blog.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

real tears

the past couple of days have been really rough for me.
i don't know why i want to let the internet know that, but
maybe getting it out will help.

i'm not going to go into details about all the situations.
but i'm really

i know what i need to do. but it's the whole actually
doing part that will be hard. it's not what i want to
do, but i don't really have any other options now.

Dean talked to me about it tonight and it made me
realize a lot of things, but at the same time it
confused me even more.

i wish sometimes i had a book with all the answers to
my life's little problems. or at least the outcomes so i
could choose the best option for me now.

my heart is heavy and i feel very alone.
sorry i am a downer

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Final Days

Day 3 
On this day of such an important event, we rose and prepared ourselves.
I had squeeze cheese and wheat thins for breakfast.

The performance wasn't until 2pm so we had a few hours to kill after check out.
So we all headed to Denny's for some brunch and then went back to the beach.

It was quite a bit colder than Friday afternoon.
                                 but it was still the beach.

I was able to capture some cool photographs!

Before the nice beach patrol told us the beach was closed.
Due to the tsunami warning.

After being escorted -we weren't really, that just sounded cool- from the beach
some crazy man insulted us.
He was extremely vulgar and cruel.
I wanted to retaliate in some way but he probably would have knocked me silly.
I tried to take a picture, but he kept looking everytime I tried.
Plus, I am such a pansy-ass and was too chicken to take it.
Next stop... the arts convention center to see the ballet!
I was just so excited.

They performend Don Quixote.
Kitri-Natalia Osipova
Basil-Ivan Vasiliev
I've watched Don Q on YouTube a million trillion times
But it was nothing compared to seeing it in real life. 

I was literally speechless afterwords.

I couldn't find a word vast enough to explain how amazed I was. Natalia Osipova was beautiful. Her partner Ivan was equally as visually pleasing.
Them together was magical.
See here. It's not the same as it was live but this is still awesome. You have to at least watch Ivan jump (around 5 and 7 minutes in). It seriously is so insane! 
It was so cool to see a ballet that I myself have performed. 
Not that I am anything compared to them.

After the ballet we left straight for St. George. 
We got stuck in traffic for 2 WHOLE hours. 
We only managed to go about 18 miles.
I died!
Once we finally got through traffic I was resurrected.
There wasn't even an accident it was just normal traffic. 
It was horrid.

We made it to St. George at about 130 am and crashed. We left early Sunday morning and headed back to the place we call home.

One of the best road trips ever. 
Seeing the ballet definitely goes on my list of the best things in my life so far!